This is a website where you can search for most of the telephone numbers of officers and hotlines in respect of government bureaux / departments and related organisations.
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Full Name
Miss CHOW Po Sai
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Post Title
Sr Health Insp(Env Hygiene)Sham Shui Po 3
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Bureau / Department / Related Organisation
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Environmental Hygiene Branch
Operations Division 2
Sham Shui Po District Environmental Hygiene Office
Environmental Hygiene Section (Sham Shui Po)

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Office Tel
2748 6029
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2958 9320
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Office Address
10/F, Un Chau Street Municipal Services Building, 59-63 Un Chau Street, Kln.


For those calling from places outside Hong Kong, please dial the area code "852" before the telephone number (not applicable to overseas offices).